
Class: Ext-1


Operand Stack Heap Condition Codes
  • Initial (operands):
  • Final (return values):

Saves the results in the heap has follows:

heap[0] = number of results

heap[1...n, max 11] = resulting locations

N/A (it is always 1, group operations never fail)


This is the same as rrdpg except it searches each neighbor serially. This allows the use of ACKs and retransmits, thus increasing reliability. Searches all one-hop neighbors for a matching tuple. If at least one match is found, condition=1 and the TinyoS addresses are stored on the heap where heap[0] is the number of results, and heap[1...n] are the addresses. If no results are found, the heap is not modified and cond=0.

This page was last updated on January 23, 2006 4:54 PM.
This work is supported by the ONR MURI Project CONTESSA and the NSF under grant number CCR-9970939.